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Alexandre Bodart Pinto has been paraplegic since the age of 16, following a serious motorcycle accident.


After a long reeducation, this determined young man from Brussels decided to study marketing and was aware that his condition would not prevent him from living a full life and realize his dreams.


At the age of 19, he launched his first events company. Two year after that, he opened his own nightclub in Brussels.

Alexandre Bodart Pinto sold his company in 2008 in order to create VIP BELGIUM. A couple of years later, he has managed to make a name in the events industry. He built up his reputation, in particular, by holding prestigious events during the Film Festival in Cannes every year.

The Founder


His activities enabled him to meet a considerable amount of noted professionals, high society members, jet setters and other international personalities such as Paris Hilton, Bruce Willis, Penelope Cruz, His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco, Eva Longoria, the Jackson family, Ivana Trump, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Cuba Gooding JR, etc.


Today, Alexandre has never been so active, always seeking new ventures and challenges for himself.

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